954-453-1157 info@bridgedisability.org

About Us

Bridge Disability Network, Inc. is 501(c)3 Public Charity offering financial assistance to children and young adults with disabilities for Speech, Occupational, Physical and Behavioral Therapies. We also offer assistance for augmentative communication devices, respite care, or other needed services.

Our Mission

Our mission is to serve children and young adults with disabilities and their families by providing professional health-related therapies, as well connection and guidance to various resources available in federal, state, and local agencies.

Our Work

We serve and help those affected by disability, their families, and the community to reach their full potential by providing services in speech, occupational, physical and behavioral therapy regardless of financial status. This is achieved through scholarships and grants to service providers on behalf individuals with disabilities, for therapies, treatments, communicative devices, respite care, and other services not covered or fully covered by their health care plan or Medicaid.