954-453-1157 info@bridgedisability.org


Bridge Disability Network, Inc. is a 501(c) 3 Public Charity funded through individual donations, grants and fundraising activities. We invite you to support our work with children and young adults with disabilities through either an individual donation, by participating in one of our fundraising activities or by holding your own fundraiser to support Bridge Disability Network. You can change the life of a child and their family with the gift of an improved life.
Your giving to Bridge Disability Network will help people with disabilities and Bridge Disability achieve its mission. Bridge Disability Network accepts monetary donations to help continue the mission. Both direct payments or online gifts are invited. Pre-planned, stock, annual giving, major gifts, endowments, and trusts are all ways in which Bridge Disability Network invites you to make a donation. Your donation, which is tax-deductible, will touch the lives of many in a lasting way. Bridge Disability Network will acknowledge in writing. 
We want you to know that your gift is invaluable. The effectiveness of Bridge Disability Network depends on all of us giving together. We need your help to make new opportunities for people with disabilities a reality!
Click HERE to find out what a $100 donation can do to change lives!

Bridge Disability Network, Inc. accepts financial contributions made by cash, check, or credit card.  Our tax ID # is 46-5476240.

You may also choose to participate in our tribute program, which is a wonderful way to honor family and friends during times of celebration or as an expression of sympathy. Because Bridge Disability Network, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, your donation is deductible to the full extent of the law for computing income and estate taxes. Every contribution sustains Bridge Disability Network’s ability to help a child in need.


Employer Match – Does your company do a matching gift program? If so, please consider including this program with your donation to Bridge Disability Network, Inc.